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Mobile and Manufactured Home Replacement (MMHR)

MMHR Program

The MMHR program is for mobile and manufactured home replacement on dilapidated homes for homeowners in our service area.

Participant Eligibility:

  • Individual must own and occupy the residential unit and property as a primary residence within the service area.
  • Total household income must be at or below 80% of the County Median Income.
  • Must pay taxes to the following Towns/Villages/Hamlets: Delaware County: Harpersfield, Kortright, Middletown, Roxbury, and Stamford Greene County: Ashland, Halcott, Hunter, Jewett, Lexington, and Prattsville. Schoharie County: Blenheim, Broome, Conesville, Fulton, Gilboa, Jefferson, and Summit

Fact Sheet:

Find more information on the grant opportunity and see if you qualify. Click here

Pre-Application Form:

Get on the waitlist for the grant HERE.