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Access to Home


The Access to Home program is for accessibility modifications for households with significant mobility issues. Rehabilitation work may include but is not limited to installation of wheelchair ramps, roll-in showers, handicap accessible bathrooms, etc.

Participant Eligibility:

  • Individual must be disabled or have documented mobility issues due to age.
  • Individual must occupy the residential unit as a primary residence within the service area. Homeowners or renters may apply with landlords approval.
  • Total household income must be at or below 80% of the County Median Income.
  • Must pay taxes to the following Towns/Villages/Hamlets: Delaware County: Harpersfield, Kortright, Middletown, Roxbury, and Stamford Greene County: Ashland, Halcott, Hunter, Jewett, Lexington, and Prattsville, Schoharie County: Blenheim, Broome, Conesville, Fulton, Gilboa, Jefferson, and Summit

Fact Sheet:

Find more information on the grant opportunity and see if you qualify. Click here

Pre-Application Form:

Get on the waitlist for the grant HERE.