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WCCRC is a 501(c) 3 not for profit Rural Preservation Company contracted with the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal.

Our mission is to cooperate with community members including local, state, federal, or other civic organizations for the improvement of housing, mixed use, commercial, and civic buildings. We accomplish this by assisting with or providing the planning, development, renewal, ownership, or management of the property. Our goal is to achieve revitalization and economic development throughout our geographic area.

WCCRC facilitates grants for housing rehabilitation and mobile home replacements to residents in Harpersfield, Kortright, Middletown, Roxbury, and Stamford in Delaware County; Ashland, Halcott, Hunter, Jewett, Lexington, and Prattsville in Greene County and Blenheim, Broome, Conesville, Fulton, Gilboa, Jefferson, and Summit in Schoharie County. We also provide financial, housing, and mortgage counseling to anyone in need free of charge.

WCCRC is an equal opportunity organization which does not discriminate against age, disability, national origin, race, creed or gender.

WCCRC prepares and submits applications on behalf of Townships and Villages within our service area. The funds, if awarded are used to rehabilitate homes having substandard conditions. The CDBG funding may also be applied for to perform upgrades to municipal water and sewer systems, main street revitalization and other types of infrastructure projects. The award is made to the township and the program is administered by WCCRC.

WCCRC also owns and manages four rental properties, including two senior housing buildings.




DOLLARS INTO OUR COMMUNITIES:  $30,285,355 and counting…